Devin’s Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture: What to Expect
During your first office visit, Devin will talk to you at length about your health condition and lifestyle. She will obtain a complete picture of your treatment needs and what may be contributing to your condition.
Acupuncture is performed on a treatment table in a spacious and relaxing environment . Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable, metallic, solid and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Some people feel energized by treatment, while others feel so relaxed that it is described as acu-land. Devin will gently place the needles and allow the needles to remain for twenty to forty minutes. When the time is up, the needles are removed and a discussion of herbal prescriptions and/or the course of treatment will follow. Please allow 90 minutes for the initial treatment and 60 to 90 minutes for follow-up visits.
$190 New Patients – 90 mins
$145 Follow Up – 90 mins
$95 Follow Up – 60 mins
Insurance not accepted.
Sarah Zakhour, L.Ac.
Sarah owns and operates Attar Acupuncture inside of Studio Blue. She is a licensed acupuncturist, board-certified herbalist, and bodyworker. A self-proclaimed anatomy and fascia nerd, she is enthralled by the human body and all of its brilliance.
Sarah received her B.A. in Anthropology and Public health from George Washington University and her Masters of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, the #1 rated school in the nation. Her areas of focus include mental and emotional health, pain relief, gynecology, sports medicine, and digestion.
One of the many reasons she fell in love with Chinese Medicine is the emphasis it places on the integration of mind, body, and spirit. It requires a dynamic approach to treatment, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare.
Sarah’s style of acupuncture practice is welcoming, gentle, and intentional. She has cultivated a vast toolbox of techniques that are tailored to best meet the needs of each individual patient. She places a strong emphasis on prevention so that you can feel more in control and less reliant on her over time. There is an inherent intelligence in each person’s body, and she strongly believes in working with it rather than forcing it into anything
In addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine, she incorporates other modalities such as cupping, gua sha, moxibustion therapy, and bodywork therapies such as sotai and tuina. She particularly loves combining gentle techniques with more traditional orthopedic techniques custom to each patient’s treatment plan. Sarah believes treating the human body is sacred and that it is an honor and privilege to work with it every day.
Going to school for acupuncture and Chinese medicine always felt like she was unlocking secrets of the universe. Only they aren’t secrets! They are just principles of our natural world applied inside and outside of us – because we are not separate from nature, we are just one fabric of it!
Although acupuncture may seem mystical, it only appears that way because of how deeply complex and methodical it is. Sarah loves to discuss Chinese Medical Theory with her patients and empower them with their own health and knowledge.
When she is not in the office, you can usually find her buried in a textbook, on her yoga mat, or in the forest with her husband and dog.
Sarah’s Services and Pricing
Initial appointment (120 min): $150
Follow-up appointments (60-75min): $120
Fire Cupping (30 min): $50
Packages (10% off)
10 Follow up appointments: $1080
10 Fire cupping sessions: $450
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